EZ Car Repair

About us

Auto Repair since 1967

We're a car repair and mechanic shop in Seattle

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We provide quality with our excellent services.

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We serve our clients with the best of our capacity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecter tony adipiscing elitsed do eiusmodi tempor roar incididunt ut laboreet dolore magna as the opposed to using. Type of partnership or Malta.

Nepoli Dewan Former developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecter tony adipiscing elitsed do eiusmodi tempor roar incididunt ut laboreet dolore magna as the opposed to using. Type of partnership or Malta.

Nelima Frank Former developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecter tony adipiscing elitsed do eiusmodi tempor roar incididunt ut laboreet dolore magna as the opposed to using. Type of partnership or Malta.

Nepoli Dewan Former developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecter tony adipiscing elitsed do eiusmodi tempor roar incididunt ut laboreet dolore magna as the opposed to using. Type of partnership or Malta.

Nelima Frank Former developer